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App and API Security

Keep your apps and APIs safe from the ever-expanding range of cyberattacks and security vulnerabilities. Read our case study to learn how used F5 NGINX app and API security solutions to improve performance and compliance.

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F5 NGINX App and API Security Solutions

Keep pace with evolving threats and attack techniques and defend your organization from a wide range of security risks and vulnerabilities with a lightweight, high-performance software security solution designed to protect APIs and modern apps.

Modern Security

Protect your apps and infrastructure with a suite of security and identity capabilities including a WAF, DDoS protection, and SSO.

Platform Agnostic

Decrease errors and learning curves by deploying one security solution across any type of architecture or environment.

Easy and Pain-Free

Automate and embed policies into CI/CD pipelines while gaining centralized visibility and security insights.

Comprehensive Security for Modern Apps and APIs

Attack blocking diagram

WAF and DoS protection at scale

A lightweight software security solution that seamlessly integrates into DevOps environments as a robust web application firewall (WAF) and Layer 7 denial-of-service (DoS) defense. The solution is platform-agnostic and runs across distributed architectures and hybrid environments to deliver consistent protection.

How F5 Helps

Stop SQLi, LFI, XSS, and other Layer 7 attacks

Prevent SQL injection (SQLi), local file inclusion (LFI), cross-site scripting (XSS), and other Layer 7 attacks to enhance data security, application integrity, and user protection.

Encrypt “East-West” communication within the data center to prevent passive spying

Protect data from unauthorized monitoring or eavesdropping as it flows among servers, applications, and services within the same data center environment.

Add SSO to any OpenID Connect-compatible provider

Integrating SSO via OpenID Connect simplifies and centralizes authentication to help mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and credential theft while scaling authentication services to a growing user base.

Maximize cryptography performance and maintain backward compatibility with dual-stack RSA/ECC

ECC uses smaller key sizes than RSA to achieve equivalent security levels, with faster encryption and decryption operations and reduced bandwidth and storage requirements.

Restrict API access using JWT Tokens

Use JWT tokens (JSON Web Tokens) for API authentication to implement secure and scalable authentication mechanisms for APIs while providing fine-grained access control based on user identity and permissions.

Impose bandwidth and rate limits to lessen service and network abuse

Restrict the amount of traffic that a user or IP address can transmit or receive within a certain timeframe to prevent malicious actors from monopolizing network resources, exhausting resources, and degrading service quality.

F5 NGINX App Protect

Get F5’s industry-leading WAF and denial-of-service (DoS) protection for apps and APIs.




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